Ghosts want to be noticed !!!!
Ghosts want to be
Ghosts have no sense of passing time.
Often, they do not know that they are dead.
Sometimes they exist in a state of confusion, perhaps like being stuck in a
Ghosts can smell things and love the smell of lemons.
Ghosts have a sense of humor and love to hear humans laugh.
Sometimes ghosts get bored with their surroundings
Most ghosts are happy, but some still cling to an emotional pain.
They can appear to the living in dreams.
They can leave behind certain scents, such as perfume.
They can make sounds that are audible.
They use their energies and ours to move things.
They are pranksters.
They usually appear as intense balls of light called orbs that are neon blue or
Ghosts favor night due to the decrease in daytime energy use.
Ghosts may appear as mists or vapors.
A hooded black smoky figure is a dark entity and you should be careful around
them. They usually appear at the foot of beds.
Some alleged hauntings are actually a "residue," which is a past
event that replays itself over and over.
Certain places are portals or vortexes where ghosts transport themselves.
Hauntings are most intense around children entering puberty, as kids this age
are emitting immense amounts of energy.
Ghosts can read your thoughts.
Ghosts retain all the memories and emotions of their lives.
Sometimes ghosts are trapped and need to be released. Let them know they can
move on.
Noisy, troublesome ghosts are known as poltergeists.
Ghosts tend to be very temperamental.
If a spirit was a jerk while living, they will probably still be a jerk while a
Ghosts hang out in cliques with other ghosts.
Ghosts make friends with other ghosts from different eras.
If you hear a strange whisper in your ear when sleeping, it is probably a
Ghosts do not sleep.
Ghosts like to climb up and down stairs at night.
Most ghosts can't or won't hurt you.
Animals can see or sense spirits, that's why you often see them just staring
intensely at what appears to be nothing.
If you are being haunted, if you simply ask them to leave, they will. Say
something like "I know you are here but you are scaring me please
When a ghost enters a room, the room usually gets cold.
Animal ghosts exist and have been sighted.
Ghosts who lived hundreds of years ago keep up with the trends.
Children perceive ghosts as imaginary friends.
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